Spring Workshop with Craig Thomas Naylor 5th dan – May 9 & 10, 2025
Naylor sensei (shidoin instructor) is the head of Aikido in Kalispell. He brings a unique background to his instruction. He is longtime aikido practitioner. Before immersing in the Takemusu/Iwama style, Craig studied in the Shingu/Hikitsuchi lineage, the ASU tradition, and received his Shodan many years ago in Ki Society. His fusion of all these styles gives him a unique perspective on the Art.
Morihiro Saito 9th dan (1928-2002) was chosen to lead the Iwama dojo by O’Sensei (the founder of aikido) after his passing. Saito Shihan accompanied O’Sensei to Iwama in 1942. There O’Sensei created the Iwama dojo, Aikishuren and where he refined the art of aikido to its present form. This lineage of aikido continues through the senior instructors of Takemusu Aikido Association (TAA) of which Naylor sensei is among the most senior instructors.
The Founder considered Takemusu Aikido to be the highest form of Aikido. Takemusu contains two Japanese characters: Take (Bu) = Martial, and Musu = To be born. These two characters combine to refer to martial movement spontaneously created, without active thought, resulting in a pure Aikido technique. He felt that one’s training went through four major periods of development: Basic Technique, Flexible Technique, Flowing Technique, and finally Takemusu Aiki. He considered this final form of Aikido to be attainable by anyone through practice.
Craig Naylor sensei earned his Bachelor of Arts in Music Education from Humboldt State University and Master and Doctoral degrees in Composition from the University of Southern California. Craig has taught in four states, all ages Kindergarten through university graduate. His students have risen to notable acclaim in concert music, film, arts administration, and education. He retired as Associate Professor of Music at the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Along the way, Naylor sensei has trained and provided aikido instruction. Today he continues to write novels, poetry, and magazine articles, composes music and guest conducts, tends an orchard of mostly heirloom apples, and teaches Aikido.
Please join MWA for what will be enlightening training experience.
Friday May 9, 2025 Evening Keiko 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Saturday May 10, 2025 Morning Keiko 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon. Afternoon Keiko 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Saturday Dinner 6:30 p.m. TBA